Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Technology Today

I believe the job market has changed perhaps more in the last twenty years than during any other time in history. More recently, the slow economy has contributed to a fair share of change. But it seems major changes in the workplace have been due to ever-changing technology.

In order to function well in the job market today, it is almost an absolute requirement to have strong technology skills. At the very least, you most likely need good computer skills. But in addition to computer skills, you should have good technology skills in general. In other words, you should be able to compute, process, print, copy, scan, fax, e-mail, text message and archive.

Not every job requires a high degree of technology skills, but overall, most jobs nowadays require a fair amount of computer or technology skills. If you find yourself behind in these skills, you’ll likely also fall behind in the job market. So what are you waiting for? Don’t let time slip away. There’s no time like the present. If you want the dream job of tomorrow, you had better get up to speed with your technology skills today.

We offer short-term Certificate programs for Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Management, Office Skills, Call Center/Customer Service, Microsoft Power User and Project Management bootcamp. We also offer Securities training for those interested in passing the Series 6 or Series 7 licensing tests. Please call us today at 303-755-6885 to learn more about exciting opportunities to make your future reality a good one!

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