Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Education is Freedom

Education lifts you and propels you. Knowledge is power. Education is a freeing force. In previous blogs I’ve discussed constant improvement and talked about stepping out of your comfort zones. Continually improve yourself. Get out of your comfort zones. Expand your horizons and keep learning and growing.

I know someone whose parents it seems seldom encouraged her to try or do things herself. It seems they did most everything for her. Now, as an adult, she struggles. My point is that learning should be a habit. Make it a habit to try and do things yourself. The more you do, the more you’ll learn.

Last winter my truck would sometimes not start in the cold. I didn’t want to have to spend a lot of money to fix the problem. I was pretty confident my starter was going bad. I had never replaced a starter before. After a quick Internet search, I found a video showing how to replace a starter. After a trip to the auto parts store, I had the starter replaced all by myself. It feels good to be able to learn and do things yourself.

Education comes in many shapes, sizes and flavors. We go to schools and get diplomas, degrees and certificates. But we all attend the school of life, or the school of hard knocks as well. And what’s on the curriculum is anything and everything. Life is an ongoing semester.

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