Friday, February 18, 2011

Stay up on your Math!

Math is an incredible tool. We use it in so many aspects of our lives, often taking for granted the regularity with which we use math in our daily strife. Math is needed to balance our checkbooks. It is used in the culinary arts, engineering, computer science, medicine and the insurance industry. It is used on Wall Street and to predict the weather. Math is in music and the stars. Math is a language that speaks of the universe. It describes energy, trajectories, orbits, and the structural integrity of buildings and bridges. Math is literally everywhere at all times.

I honestly cannot think of a single profession or art where math isn’t needed one way or the other. Even if you don’t think you need or use math, I bet you do. But math serves not only as an excellent tool, but also as a means to get some exercise. I’m not talking about a physical workout! I’m talking about a mental workout. Your brain is like a muscle. Exercise does a muscle good. And being practiced in the art of the logic of math will help you to respond more quickly and accurately to any kind of problem that requires logic solve. Math – it does a brain good.

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