Thursday, August 19, 2010

Becoming More Marketable

In today’s job market, employers like for their employees to be well-rounded individuals who possess the experience and know-how to do a variety of tasks within the office. No longer does the receptionist ONLY answer the phone or assist customers. No longer does the administrative assistant organize the boss’s appointments and schedule. If an employee wants to be marketable and stand out in the crowd among other potential employees, they need to show that they are capable of doing a variety of office duties, and do them well.

Many companies have the capacity to train employees once they are in the company to expand their knowledge-base and skills. But some do not, and with companies tightening their belt nowadays it would behoove the job seeker to be proactive about their training and be able to show their potential employer that they are ready to hit the ground running once hired. A great way of going about showing a potential employer that you are ready to go is by becoming certified in the types of things that you know the employer will be looking for. This can range anything from a tested and proven number of words you can type per minute, to your ability to navigate around Microsoft Office Excel, to your ability to organize files and take meeting minutes with the astuteness and clarity that your employer needs.

The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies offers just such Certifications to help you stand out in the crowd. We offer three to four month long Certificates in Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Call Center/Customer Service, Microsoft Power User, and Office Skills. Our classes are small so you know that you will be getting hands-on and individualized instruction from professionals who work in the industry. Our Certificates are affordable and you might qualify for tuition assistance through a government grant. Call us TODAY at 303-755-6885 to schedule an appointment to learn more about being the next hire at your dream company.

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