Friday, December 3, 2010

Have Passion for What You Do!

Have passion for what you do! It’s a fundamental ingredient to success.

I moved back to Colorado in March of 2008. I had been away for 30 years and had forgotten how beautiful the mountains are. I was back home, where I belong, but the economy was struggling and so was I.

With excellent job skills and a sharp resume, it used to be relatively easy to find a job. But these days, it’s been quite a struggle for many. I needed to re-establish myself in the workforce, but wasn’t quite sure how. And I knew I didn’t have time to waste.

At first, I spent a good amount of time soul-searching. You never want to rush when it comes to life-changing decisions. So I carefully examined and considered my current skills, my past, my likes, my dislikes, and my goals. My Journey led me to a job fair where I discovered the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies.

I started as a student at the school. With passion, I studied, practiced, and received high scores on my homework and exams. After graduating, I came to realize that my former experience as an instructor in the computer industry might help me to become an instructor with the school. I truly enjoyed my experience with the school and wanted to become more involved. After applying for a position as an instructor, I was soon hired.

My passion has had a tremendous influence on my success as an instructor and it continues to be an underlying factor in my overall success. Discover your passions and use them as a plant uses water and sunshine to grow. Utilize your passion to achieve your goals and dreams. Passion is a fundamental ingredient for success!

We offer short-term Certificate programs for Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Office Skills, Call Center/Customer Service, Microsoft Power User and Project Management bootcamp. We also offer Securities training for those interested in passing the Series 6 or Series 7 licensing tests. Please call us today at 303-755-6885 to learn more about all these exciting opportunities to advance your job skills with passion!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Being Professional In Your Job Search

I had a conversation recently with someone who is in the profession of Career Services. They work a lot with people on assisting with resume writing, job search technique, and the like. I asked her what the most common mistake people make whom she meets with. Her answer took me aback. She said that, in her experience, the biggest mistake people make in their job search is not being professional. By this she told me “horror stories” about clients she would meet with who treated their time together as if she wasn’t even in the room. Whether it be texting on your phone during their conversation, dressing inappropriately, and even expressing poor hygiene habits, all these things and more contributed to this woman’s notion of certain populations of the workforce. In short, some people are not professional about being professional. She told me one time, just one time, did a man come to their appointment dressed in business attire and ready and willing to learn about resume writing and job search techniques. Just one time!
As a job seeker, don’t let this happen to you. You’re better than that. And more importantly, you need to show others that you are better than that. Even if it’s not an official interview with a potential employer, think of each and every business encounter you have to make that encounter count. You want to be professional and leave a positive reminder about you to the person you are interacting with. Dress appropriately, turn the cell phone off, send the thank you note…do all these things and more for each encounter you have with a professional person and soon you will be on that other end helping others network with you and giving advice on the job search process.
If you need assistance with some of these “soft skills” or how to conduct yourself in an appropriate business exchange, consider the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies to help train you in all the necessary traits to being successful. On top of these skills, you can make your resume shine by adding a Certificate to it and make yourself that much more marketable. We offer short-term Certificate programs in Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Office Skills, Call Center/Customer Service, and Microsoft Power User. Call us today at 303-755-6885 to learn more about all these exciting opportunities to advance your job skills!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tried and True Methods of the Job Search

There is a recent, interesting article on the internet (>1=23000) that talks about “out there” ideas that people have used to find work. While some of these ideas can get quite zany, they are all nonetheless quite creative. And for the purpose of the article, that’s the point --- creativity. While most people rely on combing the job ads in the newspaper or perhaps online job boards (which by the way is one of the best out there), the fact remains that you are joining A LOT of people in this endeavor.
The article begs the question: how can I stand out in this mass of people? It’s a good question to ask and the article highlights ways you may attempt to put some tactics into practice. But more likely than not, the average job seeker won’t go to these extremes to find work. Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing is not the point here. The point is that the job seeker needs to think “outside the box” for getting themselves a job. In my own experience, thinking “outside the box” does not necessarily mean being the only person in the world who tries a certain tactic. In my thinking, why not try methods that are tried and true instead of attempting to reinvent the wheel? If it’s worked for most people, it will probably work for you.
So things like networking hard, job search groups, utilizing LinkedIn and other good job search engines like…..these are all great ways (and proven ways) of finding work. Stick to these tried and true methods and you won’t have to be looking through the obituaries in the newspaper for open positions! At the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies we care deeply about you succeeding in your career. And we believe that having short-term education in the area of Certificates is one of the best ways of doing that. Contact us today at 303-755-6885 to learn more about any one of our six Certificate programs and how they can help you get a leg up over your competition and into the job you desire.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Job Seeker and the Holiday Season

It’s November now. And for the active job seeker that means that you might be starting to get worried about companies not hiring during the dreaded “November through January” hiring dry spell. While it’s true that there are a lot of companies out there that put the brakes on hiring during this time and enact a hiring freeze, it’s not true across the board. And that’s the important thing to remember when you’re looking for work --- there is always somebody looking to hire, always.

It can certainly seem as though during these months people are more concerned about “getting through the holidays” or “wrapping up loose ends for the year” sort of thing. But while some companies are thinking about “winding down for the year” there are other companies that are more future-oriented and looking to plan for the next year, and now. Often times that can mean rethinking the budget, planning for projects, and making new hires. It makes sense that during these supposed slow times for some companies, you bring in a new hire right now to have them get acquainted with everything and get trained, so as to start the new year out strong and productive.

Be encouraged during these months ahead that while some companies will be slowing down, others might be ramping up. Perhaps a toy manufacturer is expecting a huge Christmas season and wants to put YOU on to help out! Who knows what can happen during these months, that next job might be right around the corner where everybody else is taking the time off you are continuing on strong and shining like the star employee that you are.

These next few months might also be a good time, given your personal situation, to hunker down and finish up some educational endeavors or to start something new. The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies will continue on as strong as ever during the holiday season and we would love to assist you with your educational needs. Stand out on your resume and among your peers with an affordable, three to four month Certificate in Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Office Skills, Call Center/Customer Service, or Microsoft Power User. While others are filling up with turkey and pumpkin pie, you are gaining new skills that can help to propel you into your next career. Call us today at 303-755-6885 to learn more about these exciting opportunities!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Importance of Knowing the Corporate Culture

An important thing to remember for the job seeker is the idea of the “corporate culture” of the companies you are applying for. At one point in my career I had made it into an interview for a large, nationally well-known and reputable organization. I had showed up before my interview time, went through the security badge process, and took a seat in the lobby waiting for the Human Resource person. I’m an observant person so I was looking around trying to get a “feel” for the place….noticing things such as what sorts of people work there, their general demeanor, cleanliness of the building, the “presentation” in the lobby, and other things.
I was disappointed to infer a few surprises that I did not expect. For one, the Human Resource person made me wait for 20 minutes before she came out to greet me. Second and most surprisingly, most of the employees who were coming in to work that morning were wearing casual attire…and I mean VERY casual attire. This particular organization is in the finance industry and given the reputation of the organization on the national stage, I had expected to see people dressed in business attire and suites, like even I was for the interview. I was disappointed to see people wearing old, beat-up jeans and hoodies. It looked like the employees were going to the grocery store on a Saturday morning, not working at a professional, publicly traded organization.
Job seekers need to be aware of this often-neglected aspect of the job search process. For many of us, we overlook this because “we just need a job”. But study after study shows that people who do not “fit” with the organization’s culture do not stick around for very long. And then you’re back to square one and looking for work again. It would behoove the job seeker to take seriously this aspect of the corporate culture, and if that company’s culture does not reflect your ideal situation then perhaps that company is not the right fit for you.
At the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies, we take seriously the idea of training people to their “best” in the work environment. Classes bring in not only the facts and figures of that particular subject, but also the “soft skills” necessary for an employee to be competitive and attractive to a future employer. We understand that and we want to help you make the most of your chances to land that job whose corporate culture matches your own. Call us today at 303-755-6885 to learn about our exciting Certificate programs and how you can benefit in your career by obtaining one, or even some individual classes. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Positive Reports and the Job Seeker

There were some encouraging economic reports that came out today about the state of joblessness in America. Apparently there are 23 states in the nation whose unemployment percentage is declining (albeit quite slowly). For Colorado, the rate is at 8.2%...up .1% from last month. Like we all hear on the radio or the news every day, the economy is getting better. It’s just getting better at a very gradual, slow pace. For most people out of work, it is TOO slow. For most out of work, it feels like there is no change from a year ago in their respective situation.

It can be both encouraging and discouraging for the job seeker to look at reports like this. On one hand, it is encouraging that things are improving. On the other hand, as mentioned above, it might not “hit home” in the way you are experiencing…”for me!” It’s fine and dandy that numbers are improving, the job seeker may say, but I don’t see it affecting the way companies are looking for workers or how people are finding the work they desire. It’s times like these where the active job seeker needs to notice the encouraging reports, but not notice them for too long. Whether the percentage in Colorado is above 10% or down to 2%, it remains the same that YOU are out of work.

This is the perfect opportunity in a person’s job search to ask the questions that we need to be continually asking ourselves. Am I networking the way I should be? Does my resume and cover letter “show” who I am? Am I looking for the right kinds of jobs? When any news in the economy changes, it might behoove the job seeker to change their patterns to accommodate appropriately. Staying ahead of the curve in this way will help you as the job seeker become more successful in not only this job search season, but in future searches as well.

There are a number of skills and positions that seem to stand the test of time. At the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies we understand what these skills and positions are, and how we can help you become successful in fostering them. We offer Certificate programs in Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Call Center/Customer Service, Microsoft Power User, and Office Skills. Call us TODAY at 303-755-6885 to learn more about these exciting, three to four month opportunities that could change the course of your job search and thus your career. We’ll talk to you soon!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Leave of Absence and the Job Seeker

Some schools and some companies allow people to take a “leave of absence” for an extended amount of time, due to a variety of reasons. This can be both personal and professional. This is nice because it allows the student or employee a time of “refreshment” where they can regain their posture toward life. Most of the time though, a Leave Of Absence is not necessarily a vacation. If you are a working professional and decide to take a Leave Of Absence for three months from work, it is usually because of a reason that will make your time at your work that much more productive (if it’s not something personal related, like surgery or an illness). Maybe you are working on finishing some classes that will make your job more productive, or maybe you are doing some sort of research for a big project and need to take some extensive time to do that research or plan for the project.

As a job seeker and someone who desires to be in the kind of position where you can take a Leave Of Absence, it can be a good mental exercise as you search for that job to think of your time of looking for work as your Leave Of Absence. Take these three months, six months, a year or more and think of this time as the time where your “project” you are working on is looking for a job. It is not a vacation per se, and should not be treated as such. But rather it is a time where you can devote a considerable amount of time and energy into this “project” and then come out of it stronger, better equipped, and ready to take on your work situation with confidence and ability.

Perhaps during your “Leave Of Absence” it would behoove you to brush up on some skills that might have been neglected but that you notice are desired by employers. If that’s the case, then consider the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies today to help you with some quick and helpful courses, or even a full Certificate, to give you that boost that you are looking for. We offer Certificates in Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Call Center/Customer Service, Microsoft Power User, and Office Skills. Any one of these three to four month Certificates (or any individual class too) will make you more marketable and able to apply new skills in your work environment. Call us today at 303-755-6885 to learn more about these exciting opportunities!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Job Search and Personal Responsibility

Why is it that there are still so many people out of work, even well after the recession was pronounced “over”? Why is it that people, in good economies or bad, have a difficult time finding work? These are big questions to ask, and frankly I’m not convinced that there is one answer to them. The reality of the matter is that there are countless reasons for why individuals are out of work right now. If we’re honest, broader categories like the economy (national as well as local) have much to do with it. If we’re honest, policy makers have more to do with it than we like. If we’re honest, there is still that every-present reality of each person’s personal responsibility to make their job search the best it can be.

These broader categories you cannot control, so we just need to get over that. And frankly, in most respects people can do very little to influence their policy makers. Each vote counts, but does each politician listen to each and every voter? That answer goes without saying. At the end of the day all you as a job seeker can have control over is yourself. You and your day, every day. That’s what we all should focus on most. Ask yourself: What am I going to do differently today that could position myself into a positive job seeking opportunity? Or: What am I going to do the same today that I have been doing to create a positive habit that seems to bear good fruit? Whatever you do each day that you network or apply for jobs, it’s all on you.

For some, that can seem reassuring. To control one’s own destiny, so to speak, gives people comfort and solace in a time when it has seemed all that you are (vocationally) has been stripped away. And to a certain extent that is very healthy thinking. For others, this is terrifying. Typically (but not always) there is a kernel of truth in this fear that the job seeker lacks a certain amount of confidence in oneself to succeed. There is a phrase in clinical psychology that might be appropriate for this situation: “fear of success”. Perhaps that’s for a different blog at another time, but the truth remains the same. Lack of confidence in some job seekers might be a contributing factor to one’s joblessness. Notice that I phrased that carefully to say “might” and “contributing”….it is not a guarantee and it is not universal among all job seekers.

Nonetheless, wouldn’t we all like more confidence in ourselves? It’s very human to look down on oneself….buying the lies that the mean girl shoved in your face in middle school, or when a teacher in high school told you that you weren’t good enough in something. For as much as our culture likes to tell us how great we are, it equally likes to tell us how much we’re not (athletic, good looking, smart, you fill in the blank). But we here at the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies do want to tell you that you are “good enough, smart enough, and gosh darnit people like you!” Call the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies today at 303-755-6885 to talk with our experienced and passionate staff about how any one of our six Certificate programs can help you gain the confidence you desire most to be successful in your job search and career thereafter.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Networking with your Alma Mater

A great arena for networking that is not utilized as much as it should be is your college alma mater. Just today I went to my own alma mater for an alumni luncheon and was disappointed to see a relatively small turn-out. Nevertheless, before I had even sat down with my paper plate of food I had already connected with one former classmate and a new acquaintance --- exchanging business cards and expressing interest for a follow-up one-on-one over coffee to chat more. The job seeker needs to think strategically about their networking venues (because there are A LOT of venues out there).

What better place to connect with like-minded people than your college or University alumni association. Alumni associations typically put on good events for people to connect, whether it is for business networking or otherwise. If you attended a large school, each department within the school might even have its own alumni association. If you attended a Business School, contact the Business School Department and inquire about alumni events or other means to connect. The same goes for Law School or any other kind of school. Departments are usually ecstatic when someone expresses interest in getting involved. That means it’s less work for them to do to reach out to you!

The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies knows how difficult it is for people to find work. There is a fairly large database of past graduates who are currently in companies which means you have an “in” for that company. We encourage students to get out and network, network, and network some more to find fellow alumni as well as other sorts of connections to land that next job. If you are interested in learning more about the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies, please call 303-524-5218 to learn more. We offer six Certificate programs in Administrative Assistant, Professional Bookkeeping, Office Manager, Office Skills, Call Center/Customer Service and Microsoft Power User.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Administrative Assistants and Upward Mobility

In a recent article online, it is reported that Administrative Assistants is one of the fastest growing sectors in the job market and also one of the areas where a person can advance the most through more education. It makes logical sense. If you are an Administrative Assistant at a company, earning a certain amount, but then receive a degree or Certificate that opens even more doors for you to advance in your career….maybe as an Administrative Assistant II, III, or Executive Assistant.

A lot of people don’t realize that there is advancement and upward mobility for the Administrative Assistant. It is no longer the way it was fifty years ago where you basically do clerical and secretarial work for your boss. There are responsibilities, and important responsibilities that the Administrative Assistant has to do. They do bookkeeping, scheduling appointments and keeping track of the master calendar and meetings, and being involved in meetings where you are often asked for input on the topic discussed. The work is steady, yet challenging and there is always a high demand for skilled and competent Administrative Assistants.
Getting that education can be a good next step for you as an Administrative Assistant.

The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies offers just such a Certificate in this field. You can complete the classes in as little as three to four months and do it all in the comfort of your own home or in our computer lab. There are government grant opportunities available for those who qualify. Don’t miss out on the chance to enact upward mobility in your career as an Administrative Assistant. Call us today at 303-755-6885 to learn more about these and other exciting opportunities.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Now It's YOUR Turn!!

When you’re unemployed it can seem like you have all the time in the world. At least, that’s the perception by many on the outside. The reality for many job seekers is that looking for a full-time job IS their full-time job…plus! If you’re doing everything right as a job seeker you can easily be spending eight hours a day doing things like perusing LinkedIn, applying for jobs, looking for jobs, and networking appointments. It can often seem as though there isn’t enough time in the day! Plus, many employment professionals will tell you to “take care of yourself” during your time of unemployment. Just like in your job situation, burn out can happen easily. So can stress, and not to mention that your personal and family life goes on whether you’re employed or not. Professionals tell you to be sure to exercise, take time for yourself, and create healthy habits to be a successful job seeker.

All of these tid-bits are right on and very much true. But how can a person realistically do this? In my own experience of having been out of work in the past it seems as though you begin your day at 7am, send/receive emails, have a lunch networking appointment, apply to a couple of jobs and before you know it 6pm (or later!) has arrived awfully quick. And then to throw in a bike ride or jog, family or other extracurricular activities in the evenings and your day is shot. And this is what our society expects of us to do as job seekers. “Work hard and your next opportunity is right around the corner.” Maybe, for some. But for others we may try and try each and every day and get nowhere, week after week. For some of us we wonder if all this networking stuff will ever actually lead to anything, same thing with applying to countless jobs or chasing people down on LinkedIn to make a connection.

I would encourage job seekers though to not give up! The reality of these job search situations is that all the “maybe next application/coffee/job lead” actually WILL lead to something great. No matter what anybody else tells you, it really is a numbers game to land that next great position. So don’t lose hope because of doomsday economic forecasts by television or radio pundits. Don’t lose hope when it seems like you have nothing going for you. Don’t lose hope when it seems as though there is nothing out there for you. That next position really is right around the corner. Just ask any friend or acquaintance about how they landed their job and more than likely their story will start out with something like, “Out of nowhere I get this phone call/email…” Now it’s YOUR turn!!

In the mean time of your job search, consider picking up some additional credentials to boost your resume and make you stand out all that much more to future employers. Consider a Certificate from the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies today. We offer applicable Certificates in Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Call Center/Customer Service, Microsoft Power User, and Office Skills. Take one class or take a whole Certificate program….either will help you in the short term to land a job but also in the long run to keep that job. Call us today at 303-755-6885 for a free consultation about our exciting programs.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Writing Good Emails for the Job Seeker

Something that I see a lot of in my day-to-day with students is poorly written emails. For a myriad of reasons, the art of writing an articulate email has passed over (or been ignored by) many people. This is highly destructive for anyone in a business context --- but especially for the job seeker. It is apropos for the job seeker to continually follow-up with prospective employers on where their application is in the pipeline (“Has a decision been made on first round interviews yet?” “Might I inquire as to the status of my application?”). If one of these emails to a prospective employer or networking partner is written in poor form containing questionable grammar/punctuation, or just flat out does not make sense to the reader, chances are this email will reflect negatively toward its sender.

The easiest thing a person can do, and something I think everyone should do whether the President or the mail room clerk, is to re-read every email before you send it. Ask yourself: is what I am saying make sense? Are there any glaring grammar mistakes in this email? (By the way, turning on your spell check and grammar check doesn’t hurt!) Finally, if need be and the email is of high importance, read it out loud and read it several times over. Often times when a person reads something they write out loud they are more inclined to pick up on awkward sentences or even the “tone” of an email. The tone too, is quite important. Make sure that you don’t sound “emotional” in an email…. ALL CAPS CAN LOOK ANGRY!! all lowercase and symplle erors can l0ok hurried and that yu dont care.

You might be a person who has a difficult time with emailing and understanding the concepts of computers. Not to mention how they always seem to be changing things on you! Lack of knowledge or understanding of software, computers, and common business etiquette should not deter you away from doing something about it. The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies would love to help you gain that knowledge, business etiquette, and most of all the confidence that you need to excel at your career. We offer Certificate programs in Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Call Center/Customer Service, Microsoft Power User, and Office Skills. Most of our students receive tuition assistance from federal grants. Call us TODAY at 303-755-6885 to learn more about these exciting programs.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Staying Positive through the Economic Numbers

You hear on the news every week about economic statistics and try to gauge your own situation with the broader numbers and what’s going on in the economy. Perhaps you feel worried about your situation, or perhaps you feel fortunate. Either way, the economic news will always come in and there are always going to be pundits on TV or radio trying to explain it away as a fortunate circumstance or that its doomsday. While it is important for job seekers to be aware of what’s going on in the broader economy, it would behoove you to stay clear of the fear mongering going on by some. It’s unproductive and quasi-inappropriate to tell a job seeker that there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of people just like him or her also looking for work. How does that help?

Staying positive as a job seeker is one of the most difficult but one of the most necessary things a person can do during this life transition. Having a good support system like friends and family gives you the “external” confidence you need to keep at it day after day. These people can also take you away from the job search to clear your head and to remind you that you are a human being, not just a robot who writes cover letters and recites your “elevator speech”. It is also important as a job seeker to harness your own “internal” confidence, telling yourself that you are worthy and have something to offer a company. For many this is the most difficult because we live in a culture that likes to tell you how you’re NOT good enough (2nd and 3rd chair in band, junior varsity athletics, no award for an average GPA or grade in college, the list goes on); whereas reality corresponds to the opposite. You ARE good enough and have much to offer others and a company….even if others criteria for excellence are unrealistic: ”Let me show you what I can do!”

The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies can help you gain that “internal” confidence that you desire to grow. We provide that “external” confidence in the form of encouragement from staff, small class sizes for one-on-one instruction, and the repeated factor that historically, six months after graduation over 90% of our students have found employment. We offer practical, real-world Certificates in Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Call Center/Customer Service, Microsoft Power User, and Office Skills. Help us help you today by signing up for any of these programs or popular individual classes. Call us today at 303-755-6885 to learn more about being good enough to succeed. In spite of the economic statistics and pundits.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Job Seeking in the Summer Time

The summer time can be a lot of different things for a lot of different people. For some, it is a time of relaxation, vacations, and taking it easy. For others, it is a time to get “caught up” both at work and in life. For some, it’s a time to “get ahead” and plan for the months ahead with the kids going to school, big end of the year projects at work, and holiday travel. Whatever it might be for you, there is surely something big going on this summer. If you’re unemployed or underemployed, the summer time can feel like any other time….looking for work.

There are a variety of things a person in this situation can do to capitalize on the summer months and to take advantage of the opportunities when they arise. Staying organized is, in my thinking, the best thing a person can do when looking for work. Try to create an Excel spreadsheet of all the companies you have applied for and all the contacts you have been networking with. How often do you need to check in with those people or companies again? Similarly, stay on top of following up! The majority of jobs you see advertised on the internet and that you apply for always send you an email after you apply saying something to the affect that if you are of interest to the company and hiring manager to come in and talk, they will let you know.

Especially for bigger companies it seems as though there is little you can do to follow up, especially when it seems like you just sent your resume into a black hole online! In my opinion one of the best things you can do in this circumstance is to network. Especially using excellent networking tools like LinkedIn it is not uncommon for a person to find a connection at the company you just applied for through one of the connections you already have. And sometimes, not always unfortunately, but sometimes when you reach out to people this way they will respond in kind. They might be able to help you find an email address to the hiring manager or someone else who might be able to help you get in touch with the right people.

Something else you as a job seeker can do during the summer months is to brush up on fading skills or learn new skills altogether that will make you more marketable and desirable to a company. Perhaps it’s computer software training. Perhaps it’s bookkeeping or other office clerical skills. Whatever the need may be, there are opportunities out there for you to take advantage of so companies NEED to hire you. The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies offers just such programs. Classes are short, ranging anywhere from two full days to a couple evenings a week, or even twice a week for a couple months for the more advanced classes. Contact us today at 303-755-6885 or look us up online at for a free assessment of your educational possibilities.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Becoming More Marketable

In today’s job market, employers like for their employees to be well-rounded individuals who possess the experience and know-how to do a variety of tasks within the office. No longer does the receptionist ONLY answer the phone or assist customers. No longer does the administrative assistant organize the boss’s appointments and schedule. If an employee wants to be marketable and stand out in the crowd among other potential employees, they need to show that they are capable of doing a variety of office duties, and do them well.

Many companies have the capacity to train employees once they are in the company to expand their knowledge-base and skills. But some do not, and with companies tightening their belt nowadays it would behoove the job seeker to be proactive about their training and be able to show their potential employer that they are ready to hit the ground running once hired. A great way of going about showing a potential employer that you are ready to go is by becoming certified in the types of things that you know the employer will be looking for. This can range anything from a tested and proven number of words you can type per minute, to your ability to navigate around Microsoft Office Excel, to your ability to organize files and take meeting minutes with the astuteness and clarity that your employer needs.

The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies offers just such Certifications to help you stand out in the crowd. We offer three to four month long Certificates in Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Call Center/Customer Service, Microsoft Power User, and Office Skills. Our classes are small so you know that you will be getting hands-on and individualized instruction from professionals who work in the industry. Our Certificates are affordable and you might qualify for tuition assistance through a government grant. Call us TODAY at 303-755-6885 to schedule an appointment to learn more about being the next hire at your dream company.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Job Searching and the Broader Economy

It is important for job seekers nowadays to keep up to date on what is happening in the national economy. Prior to the Industrial Revolution in America a person could go to school (or more likely be an apprentice of someone) in their chosen job field. But after the Revolution and continually into the 20th century the American job landscape evolved to where job seekers were needing to be more aware of not just what the local economy is doing for what sorts of jobs are available, but also in the broader economy. For example, generations of individuals and families have worked for the auto industry in Detroit and elsewhere. But now we are hearing about plants closing down and people having to move to more prosperous locations.
We hear the sad stories about families who experience these sorts of transitions every day. But it would behoove the job seeker to be aware of what sorts of industries are flourishing right now and into the future, and not get stuck in the predicament of looking for work that isn’t there. Transitioning from industry to industry can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. Just remember that you performed admirably at your trade for X number of years and you have much to offer any employer. Be aware of what industries are growing, which ones are declining, and what exactly in those industries employers are looking for in their successful employees.
The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies offers Certificate programs that cover the breadth and depth of any industry. Why? Because every company needs administrative help. Every company needs a bookkeeper. These and other similar skills will never go away, and in fact they will become more sought after when other companies continue to grow and expand. We want to help you find a job where you can be secure and successful. Make an appointment with our friendly Admissions staff to learn more about how the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies can you in your next step in finding gainful employment. Call us today at 303-755-6885 and we will see you soon!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Getting Educated at your Own Pace

When people are working or engaging in the full-time job of looking for a job, the issue in people’s lives is always time. Of which there is never enough! On top of the hours you put in to work every day, your life fills up quickly with things like commuting to work, taking care of your family and home, and any other extracurricular activities that consume your week. In many instances, you can’t fathom adding one more thing to your overflowing plate. Least of which to do things like advancing your career through networking, workshops or school.

Fortunately nowadays many schools offer the flexibility and willingness to work with you to help you accomplish your educational goals. Whether it be classes available in the evenings, on the weekends or online, most schools want you to succeed in your studies and get the job that you want. The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies is such a school that genuinely cares about your success in and out of the classroom. With classes available in the evenings, on Saturdays, and through our popular Virtual Online option, you can attend class for when it works for you and your schedule.

We offer six Certificate programs that can be completed in as little as three to four months. You can earn a Certificate soon in Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Call Center/Customer Service, Microsoft Power User and Office Skills. Students continually find the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies to be the right option for them to complete their desired education and to transition quickly into the job that they want. And best of all, we will work with you and your schedule to make sure that you have enough time in your life to actually do the things in life that you need to make primary while helping you to succeed in the classroom. Call us today at 303-755-6885 for a FREE consultation and to find out if the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies is the right choice for you.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Narrowing In On Your Job Search

For many job-seekers the issue is not so much finding a job (hang with me here), but rather it is that they do not know exactly what they want to do for a job. I hear a lot from people that they are looking for “anything and everything.” While I wholeheartedly can relate to the stress, disappointment and (let’s be honest with ourselves) desperation of looking for new work, any career counselor or person in the know about looking for work will tell you first thing that this is the wrong approach to take. The “scatter shot” approach of applying to anything and everything can actually do more harm than good. Among other reasons, it is very time consuming to keep applying to jobs that you know deep down you won’t get --- whether overqualified or underqualified or no experience or education in that particular field.

A far better approach is to narrow in your focus, like a precise target, of what kind of experience and education you already possess, and also where your passions and interests lie. What, exactly, are you looking for? When answering this question, don’t settle for vague answers like healthcare, marketing, or information technology. Be specific. “I am looking to be a Windows Administrator at a small to mid-size manufacturing company.” “I am looking to capitalize on my ten plus years as a resident nurse for a local clinic.” “I am looking to bring my knowledge of online advertising to a start-up here in the Denver area.”

For many people, they do not know what it is that they are specifically looking to do. And that’s okay, don’t get MORE stressed about that! But instead, earnestly and intentionally seek out an answer to this question. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing in a job environment? What kind of corporate culture do you gravitate toward? What excites you when you wake up in the morning? These and other questions will help you to narrow in on your job search, and therefore make the process a lot easier, less time consuming, and more productive.

Perhaps you have skills of organization and accounting and are looking to assist a small to mid-size business keep their books, whether employed directly by them or being self-employed. Consider the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies today for the training you need to accomplish this goal. Our three to four month Certificate programs not only give you the educational boost on your resume, but also the training and the confidence you need to succeed at your job. Call us today at 303-755-6885 for a free consultation and tour of the school that could be the next step in your job search process.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Education as Value for Your Job Search

People like to talk about the value in the things they possess. “That new car I just got has great value.” Value can basically be defined as something which has sustained worth, whether quantitative or qualitative. As job seekers, we want to show our future employer that we have value, that we have worth and are worthy to them in either a quantitative or qualitative manner, perhaps both! If you are good at sales, you will want to show on your resume that you will be valu(able) to an employer because of your ability to close sales, to generate leads, and provide superior customer service. These are what employers are looking for, and your cover letter, resume, and interviews are the opportunities you have to show the employers what kind of value you bring to the table.
Value can also be found in educational pursuits that you undergo. One of the biggest critiques from the non-traditional student (i.e. people over the typical college ages of 18-22) is that they don’t see the value in going back to school. It’s a lot of time, energy, and money. “If I go back to school now, what if I land a great job and will have to drop out of school anyway because of time?” That’s a valid, and common, concern. But I would counter that argument by asking: what if you don’t? What if you don’t get that job you are hoping for and spend the next year (or more) continuing to look for work. Wouldn’t it be more effective to have the educational credentials to show on your resume that you are able to do the job you are applying for…perhaps the job you didn’t get because of lack of education….to show your VALUE to an employer? I think so, and I would encourage job seekers out there to look again at going back to school to increase their knowledge base, perhaps learn new skills, and become more marketable…in essence, create value for yourself.
At the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies, we offer 6 three to four month Certificate programs for you to create value in your job search and in your job. We offer Professional Bookkeeping, Office Manager, Administrative Assistant, Call Center/Customer Service, Office Skills, and Microsoft Power User. Call us today to learn more about our small class sizes, our one-on-one attention from the instructor, and the affordability of our Certificates. We’re here to help you create value in your job search and the confidence in yourself to succeed. Call today! 303-755-6885

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Utilizing Workforce Center to Help Land a Job

If you’re unemployed, utilizing the services of the Colorado Workforce Centers are a great way to search for jobs, better your skills, and hone in on what your workplace skills are. Each county has a Workforce, and they are specifically there to serve you and help you get that next job….hopefully your dream job! If you are not quite sure where it is you belong in the workforce, or if you do but are having a difficult time finding the right fit, take advantage of your local Workforce and see your tax dollars at work.

One of the neatest things about Workforce is that they are able to give people money to go back to school or to seek out additional training, for those who qualify. The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) is there to assist people to get that leg up above their competition and help people become more marketable to land that job they want. Getting trained or re-trained in this way will give you recent education on your resume, which is attractive to employers. It shows that you are interested in always doing better at your job and improving your skills.

There are a variety of training programs at colleges and vocational schools that a person can pursue utilizing WIA resources. One of which is the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies (ABSR). We offer six Certificate programs in Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Call Center/Customer Service, Microsoft Power User, and Office Skills. Any one or more of these three or four month Certificate programs can give you that recent education and the skills you need to land the job you desire. Consider the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies today by contacting us at 303-755-6885 or to get a FREE consultation about your next educational adventure.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Getting Education to Get Ahead

For many people when they experience a lay-off this can be a tumultuous time in their lives. Worry about their financial future arises, as their self-confidence lowers with each passing day, week, rejection, pass-up, etc. A time when a person is laid off can either be seen negatively, or it can be seen positively. Perhaps you are the type of person who views this time as a time of rejuvenation from the wariness that you have experienced prior. Perhaps it is a time of regrowth and retraining for new skills, and to finally find that thing “I want to do when I grow up”.

While these sorts of transitions into new careers and adventures can be scary, they can also be exhilarating. But whatever it is, it is not easy. Take a look at this recent article. To be sure, being your own boss and fulfilling your “entrepreneurial spirit” certainly has its rewards. But those rewards don’t come without a lot of hard work, determination, perseverance, and above all (I think) the ability to stay positive and optimistic in the face of uncertainty and overwhelming pressure. Easier said than done, for sure. But it’s not impossible.

What makes being your own boss possible? Well, among other things a great thing entrepreneurs can do is to gain the training that is necessary to start your own business--- and more so to keep your business going! Among other ways, the most well-known and accessible way for entrepreneurs to be entrepreneurs is to acquire the education in your chosen field. Luck happens, but do you really want to be lucky in business? Or do you want to be GOOD?! That’s a trick question, everyone wants to be GOOD at what they do.

A growing industry in today’s economy (and any economy) is bookkeeping. The beauty of being a self-employed bookkeeper is that there is always a client out there for you. The more people out there who own their own businesses, the more people out there that NEED a bookkeeper. With approximately 80% of businesses in Colorado falling into the category of “small business”, these businesses cannot afford to, or simply do not want to hire a full-time bookkeeper. That’s where YOU come in. Having the education to be a bookkeeper allows you to set your own hours, work for who you want, and earn the kind of money that you want.

The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies can train you to become a bookkeeper. We train you to have the confidence that you desire to do your own, or someone else’s bookkeeping. At such an affordable price, you can go to school full-time or part-time, at school or at home; to get in, get out, and get on with your life in as little as three to five months. For more information about the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies and how you can fulfill your dream of being self-employed, contact us at or call in at 303-755-6885. We’ll see you soon!

Friday, June 18, 2010

July Classes Starting Up

Accounting Technician

Accounting Technician

Intro to Quickbooks




Outlook 2007

Office Skills - Customized


Excel 2007

Word 2007

Excel Basic

Excel Basic




Excel Proficient

Excel Proficient

Excel Advanced


June Classes Starting Up

Intro to Quickbooks

Outlook 2007

Office Skills - Customized

Excel Basic

Excel 2007

Word 2007


Excel Basic

Excel Proficient

Accounting Technician




Excel Proficient

Excel Advanced

Excel Advanced

Thursday, June 3, 2010

FREE Seminar

How to Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business
Date: Friday June 11th, 2010
Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm
Presented By: Tim Oswald
Tim is the owner of the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies. He is a CPA and has experience in both accounting and bookkeeping

RSVP by Wednesday June 9th

Phone 303-755-6885 or email
Location: 5420 S. Quebec St., suite 100 Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Friday, May 14, 2010

Six Week Quickbooks Training

It is often wise to follow best practices in your industry. They are called best practices for a reason! In some industries, that might be certain marketing techniques, in others it might be certain ways to express customer service. In other ways, it might be using a certain type of software that is best for the job at hand. For small or large business accounting, the QuickBooks software is the premiere brand that is used within virtually every industry.

Is your knowledge of QuickBooks a bit rusty or are you new to QuickBooks and would like to gain a firm grasp of it? The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies offers a QuickBooks class that can be completed in one or two sessions a week, for six weeks. As of June 12th we will be teaching the latest version of QuickBooks, version 2010. This class is offered at both our south location (I-25 and Belleview) and north location (I-25 and 104th).

Call the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies today for more information!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Office Skills Certificate -- classes start June 7!

The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies will offer another upcoming session of Office Skills classes starting on June 7th at the South Campus in the Tech Center (I-25 and Belleview). This is a great opportunity to obtain the skills you will need in any office environment in only five week’s time. That’s right, all you have to commit to is coming to class for four hours a day, five days a week for five weeks.

At the end of the classes you will receive a Certificate in Office Skills. You can put this on your resume to show potential employers you have recent education (which they like to see) and that you are open to self-improvement and personal growth.
There are tuition assistance opportunities available for those who qualify. Please contact us at 303-755-6885 to learn more about these opportunities and possible paid work experiences at the end of the class time. Here are a list of the classes:

Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Accounting Technician
Introduction to QuickBooks
Interviewing Skills
Resume Writing

Call today to qualify for tuition assistance!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Kind Words from An Alum

"Well I'm glad that I had the chance to be apart of something so great. I got to work at my own pace. I got one on one attention. You guys weren't so quick just to fail me. You guys understood my personal issues and helped me deal with them the way we could. Being at ABSR taught me I could do anything and despite my obstacles I can achieve greater things to come. If I can make it out of the foster system or any other adversities thrown my way anyone else can."

Sincerest Regards,
Dominic c/o 2009

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Upcoming FREE Seminars!

April Seminars

The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies is proud to announce two exciting Seminars for the month of April.

On Thursday April 29th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm we will be having our “How to Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business” Seminar. This Seminar is FREE to the public and will be presented by the owner of the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies, Tim Oswald.

On Friday April 30th from 10:00am to 12:00pm we will be teaming up with Five Rings Financial and the Women’s Path to Wealth to offer a FREE Seminar on “How Money Works”. This will be presented by Jo-Anne Holst and promises to be an educational and great event.
You won’t want to miss either of these events brought to you by the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies.
To RSVP for either event, please contact Daniel at or 303-755-6885. Snacks will be provided. We’ll see you soon!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Accounting and Business School Open House

Date: April 14th, 2010

When: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Where: 5420 S. Quebec Street Suite 100
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Meet the staff and learn about the classes of the Accounting and Business School

RSVP to or 303-755-6885

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nice words from a prospective student!

Dear Mr. Tim,

I wanted to take the time to compliment your school and staff. I am 50 years of age and on social security disability. I have been approved for both pell grant and student loans and was prepared to start school at National American University.

On a snow day I saw your ad on 9 News for closure due to the weather and decided to call for information on your school. I first spoke to Ms. Katie and then to Daniel whom were awesome and put me in touch with Ms. Deborah Cristofano.

Although I am unable to financially come up with money to attend your school she attempted every possible means to assist me with financial ways to pay for class. My disability is not much with my wife and our son depending on this limited income. She even followed up with me on extending the loan to lessen the burden of higher monthly payments.

I know how special she made me feel as a person and not just a student to meet enrollment quotas. I can hardly wait to become a student there someday when I can afford to attend your school.

You truly have a kind, compassionate, and very caring employee in Ms. Cristofano who truly cares about the school and the students attempting to attend there with limited financial means.

I also want to Thank You for trying to finance those of us whom don't have the funds for classes.

I am sure you are a success with the wonderful employees you have representing your school.

Please Thank Ms. Cristofano for me again for all of her efforts in trying to find a way for all of your students.

Have A Great Day!!!

I hope to attend your school someday soon.


Ray Martinez Jr.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Start-up Dates for April Classes

Outlook Level 1: April 13 – 9A – 1P
Business Etiquette: April 14 – 9A – 1P
Word Level 1: April 15 – 9A – 1P
Word Level 2: April 16 – 9A – 1P
Accounting Technician: April 12 – 6P – 9P
Accounting Technician: April 19 – 9A – 1P
Quickbooks Level 1: April 10 – 9A – 4P
Accounting & Bookkeeping: April 20 – 6P – 9P
Accounting & Bookkeeping: April 28 – 9A – 1P

For interest in any of these classes, please call 303-755-6885.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Office Skills Certificate.... limited space, apply today!

Are you interested in getting quick training plus a PAID work experience?

Inquire about the Office Skills Certificate at the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies.

Classes consist of:

· Accounting/Bookkeeping
· Microsoft Outlook
· Microsoft Excel 1 & 2
· Microsoft Word 1 & 2
· Office Procedures
· Customer Service
· Accounting Technician
· Resume Class
· Interviewing Class
· Business Etiquette Class

Weeks of training from 9am – 1pm, Monday through Friday followed by a one month paid work experience. Classes start at our south location (I-25 & Belleview) on April 19th. Classes start at our north location (I-25 & 104th) on May 3rd.

If you pay for yourself, there is no paid work experience and the cost is $2,000. If you want the training AND the paid work experience, inquire about FREE tuition options.

Contact the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies at 303-755-6885 for more information!

Friday, March 26, 2010

ABSR....what people are saying

I received this kind and heartening recommendation from a previous student of ours. It further goes to show how obtaining a Certificate in as little as three months from the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies can positively impact your job search. For more information about our school, visit or call 303-755-6885. Talk to you soon!

"If you’re looking to gain marketable skills and thrive in a personal learning environment with timely course offerings, I recommend you visit with Tim and his team at The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies. From the first day I met Tim, his genuine interest in my success was evident. As I began my coursework, it was evident that the entire team at The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies was genuinely interested in helping students like me meet our goals to gain additional marketable skills.

Beyond the staffs’ genuine interest in students’ success, they bring a unique breadth of professional experience. This enriches the courses and plays a crucial role in the development of relevant curriculum. For my classmates and me, it was helpful to receive guidance from people who have 'real-world' expertise; it really created a great learning environment.

I’m now a graduate of the school and I’m further realizing the benefits of The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies learning environment. I have gained marketable skills that are extremely useful in my professional life, and I still have the support of Tim and his team who are interested in my success…my time at The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies remains time well spent!"

Anne Trenholm

Friday, March 19, 2010

ABSR Open House!

Date: March 31st, 2010

When: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Where: 5420 S. Quebec Street Suite 100
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Meet the staff and learn about the classes of the Accounting and Business School

RSVP to or 303-755-6885

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Dates for Office Skills Certificate

Are you interested in getting quick training plus a PAID work experience?

Inquire about the

Classes Start April 5th!

Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Excel 1 & 2
Microsoft Word 1 & 2
Office Procedures
Customer Service
Accounting Technician
Resume Class
Interviewing Class
Business Etiquette Class

Weeks of training from 9am-1pm, Monday to Friday

Followed by a one month paid work experience
(Ask for Debbie C.)


Monday, March 15, 2010

Does your company offer tuition reimbursement?

Many companies nowadays are recognizing the value of an educated employee. An educated employee provides the employer with the mind-set, the expertise, and the confidence to be an employee that contributes well to the organization. Having continuing and adult education on your resume shows your employer that you are serious about your growth as an individual and about bettering how you work. There are a variety of ways to obtain education and to find the program or degree that best suits you and the field that you are in, or want to be in.

Unfortunately for a lot of people though, the consistent concern is with cost for tuition. Many schools cost thousands of dollars for you to earn your degree. This can often times be a hesitance for people to pursue more education. For some people, it is not worth the hassle or worry of possibly going into some temporary debt--- even if it could mean that the reward on the other side of your degree is probable. It is up to the individual to decide if going to school is worth it or not. However, in this economy and the large amount of competition that is out in the work force today, obtaining continuing and adult education is becoming more and more necessary.

Many companies are recognizing the writing on the wall and the conundrum that their employees face. On the one hand, companies realize that their employees do want to continue their education to better their careers and contribute more to the organization. But on the other hand, they realize that many people cannot afford such a thing. So what these organizations have done is instill Tuition Reimbursement Programs. Typically (although it depends on the organization), if you are interested in a particular education program and want to take advantage of your company’s Tuition Reimbursement Program all you have to do is pay for the program yourself and then you will get reimbursed by your company.

The key thing is to check with your employer to see if they offer a Tuition Reimbursement Program and what the guidelines and steps are to take advantage of this incredible opportunity. A great way to use your Tuition Reimbursement Program money is to get a Certificate. A Certificate can be a quick and inexpensive way to bolster your resume to make yourself as marketable and attractive to future and current employers. Accounting and Business School of the Rockies offers five Certificate programs in areas such as Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Call Center/ Customer Service, and Microsoft Power User.

A Certificate from Accounting and Business School of the Rockies will provide the opportunity for you to get in, get out, and get on with your life in as little as three months. For more information about Accounting and Business School of the Rockies, feel free to look at our web-site ( and come by on March 31st from 9am to 6pm for our Open House. If you have any questions or would like to RSVP for the event, please contact Daniel Seatvet at or 303-755-6885. We are located at 5420 S. Quebec Street, suite 100 in Greenwood Village, CO 80111. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Building Confidence to Get Ahead

Building and maintaining confidence is one of the most difficult things to do when a person is unemployed. It can get discouraging for many people to continually be denied jobs, or even interviews! You think you are perfect for the job, are well-qualified, and feel as though this is a job that you can really be passionate about and get fulfillment from. Not to mention the kind of financial security you need for you and your family. When the rejection letters keep coming (if one comes at all), that can really wear down even the strongest mentally and emotionally prepared person.

There are a variety of ways for people to build healthy doses of confidence while searching for that next job. One way is to be sure that what you say in a resume, cover letter, or interview is something you truly believe you can do. Employers have a keen eye for picking out people who say they can do a task, but really can only do part of that task, or not at all. You want to be able to walk into your next interview with the assurance that when asked to do a certain task, you can, and you can do it well.

If there are some areas in your job repertoire that are a little rusty, or perhaps you think you need to learn a new skill to become more marketable, then you might consider continuing education. There are a lot of schools out there that can help you to gain that new skill or re-learn that skill you might have lost. The Accounting and Business School of the Rockies offers Certificate programs in Professional Bookkeeping, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Customer Service/Call Center, and Microsoft Power User. ABSR also has resume, interviewing and business etiquette classes to assist in building your confidence. You can complete a program in three to four months and the class schedules work around your busy schedule (day, evening, and Saturdays). You might also be interested in our Virtual Online option, where you can complete your Certificate from the convenience of your own home. If you are interested in learning more about these Certificates, and more importantly how you can gain or re-build confidence in your job search, please contact us at or 303-755-6885.